Aug 29, 2022
How much autonomy is enough? How can we encourage teams to be independent without losing control of quality and outcomes? These are the tensions leaders need to manage. As we wrap up our season on holacracy and reducing hierarchy, what are some leadership tips to build more autonomous teams without losing control of the...
Aug 22, 2022
How much power is too much? How do we share power? How do we ensure power is not seized? These are the leadership questions that came up when news broke about the former Prime Minister’s secret ministries. There are important tips for all leaders about how we wield power. Beware!
Aug 8, 2022
Mick Spiers is the founder of The Leadership Project and the author of You’re a Leader: Now What? where Mick brings to fruition his passion for modern leadership that is a match for our fast-paced world. From a first career in aerospace defence where he learnt the good, the bad and the ugly of leadership and...
Aug 1, 2022
Empathy is the master leadership skill. Throughout her career, Sophie Wade has been confronted with cultural norms, beliefs and behaviours that have literally caused her to stop and think. From rigid European workdays to Asian social habits and the American can-do spirit, she became an expert assimilator and realised...